
Francine Hardaway

  • 5.0
  • 6 Booked

I bring a wealth of experience, wisdom, and compassion to every engagement. I'm a serial entrepreneur, angel investor, mentor, and partner in Stealthmode Partners, an accelerator for growth companies in Arizona and the Bay Area.

Great For
Creatives New Grads Career Changers Founders Executives Developers Immigrants POC Veterans Product Management Entry Level
Helps With
Networking Salary Negotiation Work/Life Balance Business Growth Confidence Leadership Relocation Return to Work
Venture Capital SaaS Startups Legal Health Care Social Impact Real Estate Tech Ecommerce Social Media Advertising Enterprise Consumer Education Finance Marketing
Worked With
JPMorgan Chase & Co. Stealthmode Partners SySTEM Schools Golden Seeds

Nobody does it alone. And everybody needs a coach just a bit more experienced than they are. Coming out of the pandemic, many of you will be reframing your lives, trying to find meaning. Having reinvented myself four times during my career, I know what that feels like.

I’ve coached companies in cybersecurity, wearables/IOT, ad tech, blockchain, artificial intelligence, digital health, cannabis and cookies, with a special eye to allyship. My specialty is getting new products to market, using both online and offline tactics, and keeping new businesses in business.

I’m values-driven.The foundation I started, the Opportunity Through Entrepreneurship Foundation, extends entrepreneurial resources to disadvantaged populations. And this year my project was to bring capital for women to Phoenix as a member of the founding team of Golden Seeds’ ARIZONA chapter.

1 Reviews

Terri Hannon

Francine is amazing, great experience, valuable insights, and lots of enthusiasm. I am more hopeful after this call than I have been this entire year. We are going to jump in with both feet!