Design Technology UI/UX Design Product Manager Product Analytics website strategy Android iOS macOS WindowsLink
Western DigitalGoals
Creating a company wide design system to save engineering and design time and effort.
Project skillset details
- Creating a competitive analysis of a design system
- Ran biweekly meetings with design, engineering, marketing, legal, executive team, stakeholders to incorporate feedback of design system
- Created a customer backlog and a process to work on highest priority design components
- Analyzed websites where design system could be hosted and used internally
- Led the process of design for each component from component briefs, epics, user stories, testing and research, implementation, and user testing
- After creation of components, collected stakeholder feedback and worked with design and engineering to incorporate components within apps
Project Focus Completed
Created a style guide hosted on a website that helps serve different applications throughout the company thus not having to reinvent the wheel each time, saving design and engineering time and resources.