
Internal Account Unification

Jira Program Management Product Manager Product Roadmapping Product Strategy Growth
Western Digital

Application goals A single point of access for all WDC products. To keep users connected to devices and services, securely manage their content, and enjoy their memories under a unified experience.

Project skillset details

  • Started from ideation and gaining budget and exec approval. Created roadmap and worked with engineers and designers to define the vision and product strategy of application.
  • Worked with Amazon web-services API and engineering to create secure backend infrastructure for application
  • Created PRD with sign off from Director of engineering and Director of Product
  • Conducted user testing to test product-market fit
  • Met weekly with cross functionality team including engineering, design, marketing, branding, and support.
  • Completed competitive analysis
  • Discussed and overcame risk management during weekly stand in’s.

Project Focus Completed A virtual design identity that can be easily adapted without overpower WDC’s primary brands. Enable users to securely manage their account and information with all connected devices Consistent user experience to be integrated into current and future software products Voice and tone to communicate with users across all channels for a singular account