
Java College DB

Self employed

Java College Database Search and Sort

Multi-faceted program designed to organize and filter a csv DB of enrolled students at a college.

Notable class structures:

  • Student class with a builder class to allow instantiation of new Student objects from a csv file.
  • Batch class with generic data search, sorting and filtering algorithms. This allows the filter class to utilize binary searches and quicksorting algorithms using lambda syntax.
  • A custom created circular singly linked list data structure including search, add and remove methods as well as a functional iterator.
  • Enums to store constants within the student data structure. These include: Rank, Major and Title (course title).
  • Filter class that holds methods that the Student linked list utilizes to filter, sort and search. As stated above the Filter class uses algorithms in the Batch class, but implements File, PrintStream and Scanner libraries to read from and write to new files.