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When you want to , it all starts with social comfort and part of building social comfort is teasing. A great way to tease is to use frames. When you use a frame, you’re messing with the underlying meaning of what’s going on. If you do it in a playful way, you can gain her consent to escalate the encounter.
There are lots of great frames from “adult vid chat” app that you can use. One of my favorites is that she’s hitting on you. It’s funny because it turns the tables on her, and if she laughs and plays along, she’s giving you permission to escalate. It means that she’s comfortable with the idea. Another frame is to tell her you just want to get in her pants. As you can probably imagine, delivery is everything. It has to be playful and silly or else it will be creepy. If you say it in a playful way and she laughs and says, ‘At least you’re honest,’ she knows what’s up and she’s okay with it. She could’ve just left after that but she didn’t.
She’s weird and creepy. This is another great frame that works well for me. This works especially well when you’re talking to a really hot girl because they don’t expect it. Try to find something a little off about her and make that the focus of the teasing. For example, she has a strange habit or she has man hands. This also shows that you’re paying attention to her and not just making stuff up.
She’s jealous. This is a great frame that can lead to role playing. Role playing is great because it’s fun and you can play around with it, all with some distance and objectivity from the actual situation. This is especially useful in daytime pick-ups where you want to get her out of the actual situation - that a guy’s hitting on her in the grocery store.
Lots of guys can’t be playful and fun with teasing because they’re afraid of getting stuck in the ‘friend zone.’ However, those fears are totally unfounded. If you know how to use teasing and role plays effectively, the friend zone is where you can escalate it to something more.
If you want to, you’ve got to learn how to tease. You should start doing it right after the opener. It’s especially important when you’re trying to pick up women during the daytime.