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AirbnbWe live in a world that wants instant rewards and when we do not get it, we just give up. How many products have you bought that are just sitting on your hard drive neglected? I know I have about hundred (shameful) The main problem is that there are so many ways to make money on the Internet that an inexperienced marketer gets totally confused. He/she gets bombarded with different messages everyday and is pulled in different directions, never actually finishing anything. My advice is to choose only 1 method to make money (example Grade Miners coupons, affiliate) and stick to it. DELETE all mail that does not help you with your chosen method, and only buy books that improve your knowledge in that chosen market. Stay FOCUSED and you will make money, keep changing your mind and you will loose money. It is that simple. It took me a year to understand this simple fact. I was all over the place, one week I was doing Ad sense and the next affiliation programs. I was jack of all trades but master of none. Do not get me wrong about mixing different types of Internet marketing, it is essential you have a good mix. But when your are starting out it is best to stick to one and then with more experience start mixing it. OK, enough of my rambling I think it is time I chose my first course at Success University. There are so many to choose from, do I choose