With our Director of Coaching, you'll coach for 15 minutes and then you'll be coached for 15 minutes. Our goal is to learn about your coaching style and your coaching ability.
30 Minutes
40 Reviews
Hilary Romanoff
Very different than any of the eight other coaching interviews I have had in the past several months. Diantha was actually interested in supporting me and helping me determine if the company would be a good fit. This was co-coaching, not a one way interview. She certainly reflected the company values.
- Coached by Diantha Boardman

Great chat with Diantha today. Looking forward to being apart of Hireclub. She was super awesome and informative today
- Coached by Diantha Boardman
Brandon Lee
Diantha was professional, to the point, and easy to work with :)
- Coached by Diantha Boardman
Marisa Ruth
Wonderfully lovely person to talk to. Knowledgeable and kind.
- Coached by Diantha Boardman

Diantha did a great job answering my questions in the interview and I am looking forward to the opportunity to work with HireClub!
- Coached by Diantha Boardman

Diantha is fantastic! She's really helpful and answered all my questions.
- Coached by Diantha Boardman
Robert Hislop
Mike provided me with history and foundation of how HireClub works. Based on our discussion I have to say the concept and the process is revoultionary. Now coaching is avaiable and accessible for everyone.
- Coached by Mike Manoske

I enjoyed the call. A pleasure to speak with Mike. Great perspective on a cross-industry level and a very impressive background!
- Coached by Mike Manoske
Ivana Jelic
I had a great talk with Mike, he is a real expert on the subjects. He encourages and challenges at the same time, inspiring one to think bigger and better!
- Coached by Mike Manoske
Prakash Nairr
It was an utter pleasure speaking with Mike last evening. Firstly, it was the effortless manner with which Mike made me feel at ease throughout the conversation Secondly, Mike gave me all the required information in a quick, concise manner while detailing key areas Lastly, the support and guidance both in the meeting and for the future was the most important aspect. Now I am excited to be a part of the HireClub community and eager to start involving myself i the activities and contributing to the community Thank you, Mike
- Coached by Mike Manoske
Amanda Low
It was so wonderful connecting with Mike, we had such an uplifting and encouraging conversation!
- Coached by Mike Manoske
Arleny De La Cruz Rodriguez
Such a great session! Much to learn from Mike and really identified what would be next for my career. Thanks!
- Coached by Mike Manoske

Mike was fantastic and helped me reflect and overcome an issue causing me some self-doubt.
- Coached by Mike Manoske

Francine Hardaway
Mike and I became friends during this call. We realized we had crossed paths in many different career experiences, and we had fun discussing our commonalities. He also told me more about what to expect from HireClub, and about why he's involved and I should be. Great guy. A world of experience.
- Coached by Mike Manoske
Patricia V. Wright
Thanks so much, Mike! Helping me find my own insights is such a great gift.
- Coached by Mike Manoske

Corey Ponder
Every conversation I have with Mike is a delight. I learn so much and also get a chance to explore topics vulnerably, which I appreciate.
- Coached by Mike Manoske
Micaelle Alexis
Great call, Mike was very personable and helped to ease some of the coaching and onboarding questions. I was especially impressed with his extensive background as an Author and Educator/Facilitator. I'm really looking forward to partnering with HireClub to help clients meet their career and life goals!
- Coached by Mike Manoske

Domenic Merenda
Ketan is an absolute star, from his empathy and listening skills, to his stellar advice.
- Coached by Ketan Anjaria

Lanier Logan
Ketan was direct, informative, and supportive with his review of my coaching style. I also learned a few new tips that has aided in improving my coaching sessions.
- Coached by Ketan Anjaria

Craig B Toedtman
Ketan has done a great job of onboarding me into the Hireclub organization. I look forward to a lasting partnership in our mutual best interests.
- Coached by Ketan Anjaria